HELL-O BLOGWALKERS! Welcome to korone.blogspot.com
I'll give you an ultra big appreciate indeed for visiting my blog and reading all of my words in every post :D THANK YA! :* i know it's not clearly and good enough.
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
just saying
You're my everything
I'm only a part of your everything
One man loves you
That man loves you with all his heart
Everyday like a shadow he follows you around
When that man smiles he is crying on the inside
How much longer
Do I have to just look at you alone
This love like the wind
This worthless love
If I keep trying will it make you fall in love with me
come a little bit closer
Just a little bit
I'm the one who loves you
Right now by your side
That man is crying
That man is very shy
So he learned how to laugh
There is so much that can't be said even amongst close friends
That man's heart is full of scars
So that man
Loved you because you were the same
Just another fool
Just another fool
Is it wrong to ask you to hold me once before you leave?
I want to be loved..its true
Every day inside...Inside his heart...He shouted and
That man is by your side again today
Do you know that I'm that man?
You wouldn't act this way if you knew
You wouldn't know because you're a fool
How much longer
Do I have to look at you like this alone?
This stupid love
This worthless love
If I keep trying will it make you fall in love with me
come a little bit closer
Just a little bit
If I take one step forward you take two steps back
I'm the one who loves you
Right now by your side
That man is crying
ketika logika tak lagi tahu mengapa begitu terharu saat mendengar deretan kalimat bernada yang saya tak tahu apa artinya,
Ada seribu alasan kompleks mengapa saya memilih Bandung sebagai tempat meraih cita-cita sekaligus tempat pelarian.
Tapi ada satu alasan sederhana mengapa sekarang saya ingin tetap di sini, di ibukota.
Dan alasan itu adalah
It hears damn useless,
if you cure your broken heart with a bandage.
It is a dead loss,
if you take a suture and sew your broken heart till you reach the edge.
Well, what should you do?
You have no need to carry out some idle efforts, I guess.
Just need a given time period.
And your broken heart will be healed slowly.
KORONA SULIN. That's my actually and at once my odd-freaky name :D but I'm so proud about the name, a bit catchy nyahaa easy to remember isn't it? Well, necessarily I live in a super crowded but (unfortunately) irregular city named JAKARTA; the capital city of you know INDONESIA; a country where I've spent 19 years of my crazy life :). But now, for 3 years later I live in BANDUNG; city of West Java Province. It's not too far far away, about 130 kilometers from Jakarta fortunately. I have been studying about technical and arts all at once and universally mentioned as ARCHITECTURE. An abstract one? yes definitely yes. But so kewl and ahmajzhing!;)I have been studying arch perhaps a year (MAHA-SISWA SEMESTER 2)and there's still so many thousand things I've never touched it yet nyahaa. 3 years more staying here with pencils, water colors, eraser, GODDAMN-ruller, CUTTER (fuckyeah), greyboard, canson uyeah honestly and proudly I admit they are my closest soulmates! ;)